[ jintaiya ] *bangasa

Jul 25, 2021

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[ jintaiya ] *bangasa

Bangasa is an old Japanese coarse oilpaper umbrella.

- Texture change, 20 poses, torn type, re-size, and more.

- You can make your own umbrella with your texture.

- Include HUD, UV map, low model for rez.

- Copy Modify, Transfer

自作テクスチャ貼り「Your textures」ボタン
Paste your own texture with the "Your Texture" button.
Start: Copy and paste the UUIDs on the front and back of the umbrella into the dialog window (the same texture on the front and back is fine)
1) SHOW: You can call your own texture at any time.
2) New: Re-paste another texture.

「Edit axis root」を選択して編集すると合わせやすいと思います
Position / angle adjustment.
Since it is a non-rig, please adjust the position of the umbrella if necessary after attaching.
I think it's easier to edit if you select "Edit axis root".

左右(ミラー) 20ポーズずつ
Shoulder-to-finger pose.
Left and right (mirror) 20 poses each.
Please use it with your favorite pose and usual AO.

骨 一本置き、色 裏表 各5色
Color change.
Bone, alternating. Color, front and back. 5 colors each.

Your textures ボタンからお好みのテクスチャ貼れます
Transmission / glow / gloss / size / tear
(Since it is editable, you can edit it as you like without using the HUD)


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